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Ouija movie
Stiles White


Following the sudden death of her best friend, Debbie, Laine finds an antique Ouija board in Debbie's room and tries to use it to say goodbye. Instead, she makes contact with a spirit that calls itself DZ. As strange events begin to occur, Laine enlists others to help her determine DZ's identity and what it wants. As the friends delve deeper, they find that Debbie's mysterious death was not unique, and that they will suffer the same fate unless they learn how to close the portal they've opened


As kids, best friends Debbie and Laine used to play with Laine's Ouija board. It was merely a creepy little diversion since neither of them really believed the game was connecting them to "other side." So it was just the eerie idea that some ghostly figure had its invisible hand on the planchette with theirs—moving the plastic pointer from letter to letter on the board—that kept them going at it, giggling all the while. 

The rules they played by? (Laine had picked them up somewhere and said they should never be broken.) You never played alone. You never played in a graveyard. You always said goodbye at the end of each session. And you began with these words: "As friends we've gathered, hearts are true. Spirits near, we call to you."

It was all just fun and, well, games, right? They figured, why would calling out to dead spirits be a problem?

A few years later, Debbie was cleaning out her dusty old attic when she stumbled upon a very old Ouija board and some other creepy remnants. This hand-painted board had a planchette carved out of wood. And the pieces were so antique-looking and cool that Debbie just had to dust them off and give them a try. She even decided to record herself using the board while sitting in her bedroom. Alone. 

Here we have yet another woeful byproduct of that much ballyhooed partnership between Hasbro and Universal Pictures. Because this is far from family board game fun at the Cineplex.

Rather, this movie feels like it was the result of a gaggle of writers—assigned a title and a deadline—just haphazardly jotting down every tired ghost story trope they could think of. From the creepy doll in the attic to the hidden torture room in the basement to the found footage of a teen dabbling with evil to the crazy kids who keep coming back for more ... well, the tale stretches logic and any sort of sense to the snapping point on numerous occasions.

It's a serious subject, though, the use of a Ouija board. And at least this cinematic jump scene smorgasbord—with its creepy collection of nasty teen murders and twisted spirituality—curiously informs us that communing with the dead will, um, get you dead. That it's not appealing in any way. And that you should run far, far away if any of your friends think it's a cool idea. Take that at face value, and Scripture gives the sentiment two thumbs up, so we certainly will too. 

Still, "It might pique their interest, especially if it's something they haven't played or thought about in a long time," says Jesse Cruz, manager of the Puzzle Zoo toy store in Los Angeles. "There's always some curiosity that comes with these things." And, indeed, it's the idea of playing with fire, getting "in touch" with something dangerous that compels many teens to play around with Ouija boards. So is it misbegotten and odd or accidentally clever, then, that this Hasbro-approved movie delivers the dictum: BURN ALL OUIJA BOARDS!


Gretel e Hansel


A reinterpretation at times unpublished of the famous Grimm fairy tale, by the director son of art Oz Perkins who wanted to distort the original story by making major changes. Gretel is the real protagonist of the film, here becoming the older sister, the witch instead seems more like a modern Wicca with a very hostile attitude towards the male gender who lives in a house that is not at all colorful and inviting but rather dark and disturbing. Furthermore, the story is marked by a strong feminist imprint.  There is little horror in this film but a lot of dark... Read More



Remake of the 1922 German silent expressionist film classic "Nosferatu the Vampyre", loosely based on the novel Dracula (1897) by Irish writer Bram Stoker. For me, who saw the 1979 cult movie "Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht", the comparison with this new version is inevitable, which did not excite me. The aforementioned was certainly much simpler and poorer in its sober and perhaps even a little squalid staging and focused a lot on the perverse and disturbing charm of the protagonists, the beautiful Isabelle Adjani and the damned Klaus Kinski. Here, however, the... Read More



There is little to say about this film, a banal story (how many horror films begin with a family moving?) and also copied, it recalls for example "Crawlspace" by David Schmoeller from 1986 with Klaus Kinski, it offers some small surprises but not even very original. The film takes a long time to get going and given the initial sunny atmosphere you immediately wonder if it is really a horror and in fact the disturbing scenes are very few, perhaps girls will like it more given a certain romanticism à la "The Phantom Of The Opera". The actors are good looking and also quite... Read More

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?


Based on the novel by Henry Farrell released in 1960, the film is considered the progenitor of the psycho-biddy subgenre where the protagonists are mentally unstable elderly women, ready to terrorize the unfortunate ones on duty. Playing the disturbing sisters in this psychological thriller, a small jewel of genre cinema, are an unforgettable Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, great Hollywood stars now in their twilight years. Despite being free of bloody or macabre scenes, the film is a hallucinatory journey through sadism, madness and family resentments... Claustrophobic,... Read More

Let It Snow


A soft horror film produced in Ukraine, very beautiful on a visual level thanks to the spectacular locations in Georgia... a glacial setting, which instills no small amount of anguish and chill in the heart. Filmed in a classic style, it is a rather simple and short story that flows quickly without leaving any particular shivers, but some scenes are particularly anxiety-inducing and an unbearable and disturbing Christmas song acts as a background. The protagonist Ivanna Sakhno is very good.