Books by Marc W. Johnson




Writing this review has taken me a couple of days because it has several subjects I'd like to highlight. It's been difficult though, to put my mind together, because I can't reveal most of the scenes that will get you glue-stuck to the book. I couldn't leave it, and when someone talked to me I got upset because they were interrupting my connection with the story. Well, that said. Marc W Johnson is in my list of "Writers Extraordinaire". He is a screenplay writer, and you're going to find that influence on the book. Is it a bad thing? Hell, no. The writing is agile, fresh, always keeping you anxious to find out what'... Read More



If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be without a shadow of a doubt, "shuddering". Johnson knows how to keep you awake. Playing with dialogues, he makes you jump from one scene to another without giving you the option to stop, because... you don't want to stop. An amazing bloody plot which speeds up your mind page after page. You watch as the characters find their own doom. A curse... perhaps a gift? Humour black as night, filled with sarcasm, the author tells you a story of friendship, deceiving and thirst for blood. Something I loved about this book is how real the characters are, you even feel... Read More