![]() | What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?Movie Review Based on the novel by Henry Farrell released in 1960, the film is considered the progenitor of the psycho-biddy subgenre where the protagonists are mentally unstable elderly women, ready to terrorize the unfortunate ones on duty. Playing the disturbing sisters in this psychological thriller, a small jewel of genre cinema, are an unforgettable Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, great Hollywood stars now in their twilight years. Despite being free of bloody or macabre scenes, the film is a hallucinatory journey through sadism, madness and family resentments... Claustrophobic, having shot in black and white makes the face of the great... Read More |
![]() | LonglegsMovie Review A satanic and unrecognizable Nicolas Cage in one of the most complex and successful horror films of the year. Oz Perkins, son of the iconic Anthony (Psycho) directs a horror for adults, finally without screaming and laughing teenagers. Very beautiful images in a sulphurous, depressing and morbid atmosphere... it reminds us of cornerstones such as "The Silence of the Lambs" in particular for how it proposes the detective-killer scheme. |
![]() | MaxxxineMovie Review The film is the last chapter of a trilogy that always stars the talented Mia Goth, here supported by a great cast of actors, especially Kevin Bacon. |
![]() | Hereditary - Evil runs in the familyMovie Review “Hereditary” is a literally "homemade" horror. The physical home, as a place of family life and as creative microcosm of Annie, and the metaphysical home, as a dreamlike symbol of the stability or instability of the Ego, are inextricably intertwined in a game of Chinese boxes : a husband , a son, a daughter, and a miniaturist job she loves. But also a bulky mother: Ellen. Annie has always been trying to fix her "home": and soon we realize that something, in addition to the ambivalent relationship between her and the now defunct Ellen, does not work. Starting from Charlie, an... Read More |
![]() | Breaking at The EdgeMovie Review Breaking at the Edge is a 2013 horror film that’s actually more creepy than scary. Two brothers kill their half sister in order to inherit their wealthy estranged father’s estate. And when the younger brother’s pregnant wife finds out, they plot to kill her too. 2 out of 10 stars. What I didn’t like was the truly bad acting by the Brazilian actress and the “ghost” of Sara Randolph. We’ve come a lot further than this. The rest of the cast wasn’t much better. Bad casting can really ruin a film. Ian and Bianca Wood are expecting a baby. But Bianca is having pains and they have a history of miscarriages. Bianca... Read More |
![]() | Wolf CreekMovie Review I had a hard time watching "Wolf Creek." It is a film with one clear purpose: To establish the commercial credentials of its director by showing his skill at depicting the brutal tracking, torture and mutilation of screaming young women. When the killer severs the spine of one of his victims and calls her "a head on a stick," I wanted to walk out of the theater and keep on walking. It has an 82 percent "fresh" reading over at the Tomatometer. "Bound to give even the most seasoned thriller seeker nightmares" (Hollywood Reporter). "Will have Wes Craven bowing his head in shame" (Clint Morris). "Must be giving Australia's... Read More |
![]() | CalvaireMovie Review This film's English title is The Ordeal, which is absolutely right, but the literal translation - Calvary - turns out to be worryingly appropriate too, for reasons I can hardly describe without toppling away from my keyboard in a dead faint. It is a brilliant black comic nightmare about a singer, conceived in the style of Deliverance or The Hills Have Eyes, and Calvaire triumphantly proves that when it comes to subhuman degradation, Belgian hillbillies from the EU can proudly hold their own with throwbacks and knuckleheads from the US. |
![]() | SeedMovie Review The above quote opens what could be one of the most disturbing movies I have seen in a long time. Uwe Boll’s Seed is an unflinching exercise in human cruelty. The movie begins with archival footage of humans being exceptionally cruel to a variety of animals that was provided by PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I thought this was unnecessary at the time, but in further watching the movie, I felt that the PETA footage started the story off in the right direction. It prepares the viewer for the cruelty expressed further in. The next scene is a man being executed in the fashion that is most popular in horror... Read More |
![]() | A Day in The Life of Timothy - Bizarre and Original ProjectInterview A group of people based in Istanbul with varying backgrounds that came together for the love of horror. The director is the creator of the series and the owner of the vision. The storyline is worked on as a group including the director, a psychologist (lead actor) and a digital anthropologist (producer). Everybody is acting. A Day in the life of Timothy is a series of short films focusing on a central disturbed character, his split personalities and his unique take on reality. Currently the series is only available on Youtube. |
![]() | Are Marvel’s Horror Plans as Scary as They Sound?Horror News It appears as though Marvel Studios head honcho, Kevin Feige, is considering the possibility of including the horror genre in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The studio’s decade-long history doesn’t include traditional horror movies, but after the debut of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), there has been talk about the movie studio’s plans for Phase 4. While an official reveal won’t be made until after Avengers 4 (2019) has been released, plans are moving ahead, and the Web is full of rumours regarding the potential future of the MCU. Marvel’s already been there Marvel’s history is rich in the horror genre, both in comic books... Read More |