Ghost figure appears in Richmond - pag 2

viral couple in RichmondThe couple said they have no idea if it was one of their guests. ‘Her sister said it might be her but that face look absolutely nothing even close to it. That face looks like a baby face imo [in my opinion,] Kevin Matthew Dennis wrote. Reddit users weighed in on the image saying: ‘It’s your unborn baby,’ joked one user. Another Reddit user joked that the infant figure might be the spawn of Satan.

“Her sister said it might be her, but that face look absolutely nothing even close to it. That face looks like a baby face imo [in my opinion,]” Kevin Matthew Dennis wrote on Reddit.
“Now everybody is freaking out about it,” Kevin said to CBS 6.

“It’s either my sister, or it’s our photographers daughter, but we’re not 100 percent sure who it is,” Christiana said.

“So it`s possible that it could be something supernatural?” Hipolit asked the couple.

“Doubt it, but I’m not going to say it’s not,” Kevin said.