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vladimir Likhonos ukrain Chewing Exploding Bubble Gum

The chemistry student killed by bubble gum that exploded


A UKRAINIAN chemistry student has been killed by bubble gum that exploded, tearing off half of his face, police have said.  Vladimir Likhonos, 25, an understudy at a part of the Kiev Polytechnical Institute, is thought to have unintentionally plunged his biting gum into explosives he was utilizing for his examinations, police representative Elvira Biganova said. She said he confused the powder with citrus extract, which he frequently added to drag out the gum's taste. Mr Likhonos, from the town of Konotop, in north-east Ukraine, brushed off his whole jaw and the vast majority of the lower some portion of his face in Saturday's mishap. Medicinal specialists endeavored to treat his wounds yet were not able spare him. "Indeed, even a portion of our prepared... Read More