The beautiful Nikki Kris about her movie CIRCUS ROAD
We're proud to introduce you a really talented actress and a new horror icon: Nikki Kris. She just introduced to us her new movie Circus Road.
Check it out below, and enjoy!
"Circus Road" is a niche horror film with great thrills about a bachelorette party that takes a wrong turn into a world of horror, death, and clowns. Definitely not like anything I have ever worked on before. It will be released Oct 2019.
Kind of, I did a student indie film when I first got started but this is the first big budget horror film I've been in. And yes it can be really challenging not only for the actors but for the entire crew. Creating a space of realistic horror scenes but keeping the crew positive is definitely way different then a drama or a comedy. I have a lot of respect now for career scream queens such a my co-star Sadie Katz.
(Laughing) I live for breakfast! I go through spurts of craving the same thing for breakfast everyday for a few months then suddenly I'll switch. Usually it goes between omelets and oatmeal. But I have definitely gone through a chicken and eggs phase!

Q: From the title of the movie we can clearly guess the presence of clowns, it’s pretty common for people to be scared by clowns, and you? Are you afraid of clowns?
Oh yeah people are always terrified of clowns. I however, am not! I think that real life clowns are talented and enjoyable, but honestly the clowns on this set were nothing like what I adore. These clowns are terrifying. For those that are too scared of clowns there are a few scenes that are quirky and lighten up the mood of the film for a second.
Well the actress lifestyle is definitely a mixture of both. The glamour is there during the Premieres and the Red Carpet events, along with movie trailers and director chairs. But there is a different kind of grind to the work of an actress. You wouldn't believe how crazy it is to try to always look your best, never take a bad photo and be encouraging to everyone. You are always on your best behavior... which my mother would be proud of me to say!
I absolutely believe in Aliens. There is no doubt in my mind that we have a few living here and just don't know it.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose is my favorite horror film. I literally couldn't sleep for a week! The scariest films to me are the ones where they are truly believable. One director that I am both a fan of and a friend of is James Cullen Bressack. He has a really cool take on classic themes, and then sometimes he comes out with a film that really stops you and makes you think. Plus he's a great guy.
I love video games and computers. So I think that if I couldn't be an actress then I would want to work on coding software.... I am just so amazed with people who can!
For me the best part of being an actress is getting to meet so many people from different walks of life and sharing a special moment with them. Even if it is them watching my scene, I still feel like they got to experience my emotion during that moment and then when I meet a fan, I am able to talk with them about the emotion! Film bonds you to people. Its amazing!
Q: What’s your next project?
I have several features that I am working on. Right now I am filming a feel good story titled Dream Round with Michael Saquella. Its a modern version of Rocky with all the elements of a great film! Another one that I am so excited about is a sci-fi film, preproduction, directed by Chase Smith out of Atlanta. This will be my first film with him, but from all the reviews I have heard by other actors, I can see myself working with him on a few more. They haven't finished casting so I can't tell too much about it, but the script is a sci-fi thriller that is box-office worthy.
My dream is to give people encouragement and show them love through everything that I do. I am working on new charity aimed at uplifting and improving the culture of Native Americans. So I think my life goal is to see people from all walks of life show each other love.
Here some interesting links:
Circus Road on IMDB
Circus Road Facebook page