Tagged with: true story

Uncovering the Tragic Mystery of Tiffany Valiante: A Young Life Cut Short

Uncovering the Tragic Mystery of Tiffany Valiante: A Young Life Cut Short


On a warm summer evening in July 2022, the peaceful neighborhood of Millville, New Jersey was rocked by the sudden and tragic death of local resident, Tiffany Valiante. The 25-year-old woman, who was known for her kind heart and infectious smile, was found lifeless in her home, with the cause of death being listed as "unknown". The news of Tiffany's passing sent shockwaves through the community, leaving many questions unanswered. Was it a natural death? Was it a result of foul play? And if so, who would want to harm such a beloved member of the community? The Millville Police Department, who was investigating the case, was tight-lipped about the details surrounding Tiffany's death, only stating that it was an "active investigation". This only added to the... Read More

The Jeffrey Dahmer Crime Scene - like you never seen

The Jeffrey Dahmer Crime Scene - like you never seen


Unspeakable Crimes. Violence. Rapes. These are the terrible atrocities in the life of the infamous cannibalist sequential killer Jeffrey Dahmer. What We Can Learn from his case... The case of Jeffrey Dahmer is maybe the most famous cold case ever. Unfolding plot twists, ignored warning signs, and blatant oblivion led police and the public down a swirling rabbit hole of death, doom, and utter confusion. Dahmer was arrested later in 1991, 13 years after he killed and many victims. Jeffrey Dahmer was born in 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At young age, he became fascinated by things related to death and began collecting the carcasses of dead animals. His father noted how his son was “oddly thrilled” by the sounds of clanking animal bones. When he was... Read More

Based on a True Story Movies - Hidden Figures

The ‘Based on a True Story’ Phrase: Does it Work?


Ever been to a movie and found this phrase right at the beginning of it? Did it make you wonder as to how the story would shape up? Based on a true story is one of those catchy phrases that have little effect on a movie on viewers than producers think. But this doesn't go without recognizing that there are some cool movies that have captured the viewers that are based on a true story. Of course, the movies have gone through a twist to suit the silver screen or fill in the gaps where the story felt thin. The  based on a true story movie legacy makes people want to watch the movie more.  The Top ‘Based on a True Story’ Movies So, how did these movies fare when it came to the box office? And how true were they when it came to the story depiction... Read More

The grisly tale of the cannibal butcher

The grisly tale of the cannibal butcher


Christie Cleek lived in the reign of David II and he was a butcher from Perth during the 1400s which was a time of struggles like flood, famine and plague. This was around the time of the Black Death, with stories of demonology and witchcraft running rampant. During times of starvation there were harrowing tales of cannibalism and barbarism occurring everywhere, obviously due to the unsustainable and difficult lives of people at the time. Christie and a band of friends lived a life of highway robbery and scavenging to survive these hostile times up in the treacherous foothills of the Grampian Mountains. When one of the party died, Christie used his skills of butchery and the group feasted on the cooked flesh of their fallen comrade. Eventually Christie took to... Read More

Albert Fish - The Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria

Albert Fish - The Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria


Albert Fish is known for being one of the most vile pedophiles and killers of all time. After his capture he admitted to molesting over 400 children, torturing and killing several others. Fish was a small, gentle looking man who appeared to be friendly and credulous, yet once alone with his victims, the monster inside him was unleashed - a monster so perverse and evil, his crimes seem unbelievable. He was eventually executed and according to rumors, turned his own execution into a fantasy of pleasure. Albert Fish was born on May 19, 1870 in Washington D.C., into a family which had a history of mental illness. His parents abandoned him and he was sent to an orphanage which was a place of savagery where he was exposed to regular beatings and sadistic acts of brutality... Read More