Green Inferno

Green Inferno - Eli Roth
Eli Roth


New York college student Justine (Lorenza Izzo), a lawyer's daughter, meets a student activist named Alejandro (Ariel Levy) when he goes on a hunger strike on behalf of underpaid janitors. Smitten, Justine agrees to help Alejandro undertake his next project: to save the Amazon. She soon learns to regret her decision when their plane crashes in the Peruvian jungle and she and the rest of their group are taken captive by a tribe of hungry cannibals.


I must admit The Green Inferno had such promise.  I heard a lot about it before the screening, and was obviously thrilled at the Cannibal Holocaust comparison. 

It’s such a shame that I didn’t enjoy this more than I did.

It’s got a strong start, setting the scene nicely up in this bitch (you’ll get that later – line of the year, ammaright Mitch?), beginning with a well executed plane crash scene, which seemed to genuinely impress all.  Then followed some actually scary, skin crawling action when the kids meet the villagers.  This is where it lost me.  What should have been a terrifying turn of events, drawing on our primal fears, quickly became a college like comedy.  Stoner jokes, in which the villagers get off their noggin and start eating flesh – really – cannibal munchies.  Fart jokes and crap jokes (actual faeces, not just poorly written puns – though I think it had those too), where one of the kids takes a dump outside a cage. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! How DARE you lure me in with promises of terror and give me TOILET HUMOUR!

I mean:  the plot sounded too good to be anything less than a serious, played for straight horror. 

The pre-release shots alone looked amazing, and gave no impression that there was going to be over the top humour. The ‘jokes’ completely overshadowed any effect that the deaths could have mustered and, because of this, I just didn’t care if their intestines were eaten for breakfast.

Eli you can do better than this!!


La Reliquia - a movie by Paolo Martini

La Reliquia


Disturbing Rosemary's Baby in southern sauce, "La reliquia" (seen online at the Fantafestival in Rome) is a successful insight into the practices and rituals of southern Italy. The theme is the atmosphere is very interesting and original, but the narrative suffers from the short duration. The cast of actors is exceptional, mostly comedians, but perfectly in part in histrionic (Paolantoni) or slimy (Rizzo) roles. The beautiful and evocative photography creates a dark atmosphere. Effective direction. Note of merit: the use of the lunar music by Egisto Macchi, author of... Read More

Gretel & Hansel Review

Gretel & Hansel


Anyone familiar with the original versions of classic fairy tales like “Hansel and Gretel” already knows that they have lots of horror movie potential. As a rule though, most attempts to capture these tales on film tend to miss the mark. It’s clear from the conspicuous reversal of the titular names that Gretel & Hansel hopes to distinguish itself from the rest of the pack right from the get-go, but does it actually do the job, or are you better off spending 90 minutes of your time on some other film? Gretel & Hansel is the brainchild of writer/director Oz... Read More

Ritual Review



A married couple with a complicated relationship, a corpse, and a room at a less than reputable motel. It’s a classic formula for a horror movie that’s no doubt familiar for many genre fans. It’s also the set-up for Mickey Keating’s 2013 film, Ritual. Ritual is the 14th original film distributed by After Dark Originals. It stars Dean Cates (Pod) and Lisa Summerscales as married couple, Tom and Lovely. Additional costars include Derek Phillips (Serum), Brian Lally, and Katherine Skelton. Ritual opens with a warning title card, promising plenty of violence to come. It... Read More

Dead Awake review

Dead Awake


Whether you’ve personally experienced it or simply heard your share of other people’s horror stories over the years, it doesn’t get much scarier than sleep paralysis. Director Phillip Guzman (Sleep No More) makes this all too relatable real life phenomenon the center of his 2016 indie horror film Dead Awake. The film stars indie horror favorite Jocelin Donahue (House of the Devil, All the Creatures Were Stirring) in the lead, as well as Jesse Bradford (Cherry Falls), Brea Grant (Dead Night), Lori Petty (Bates Motel), and others in supporting roles. The... Read More

The Noonday Witch review

The Noonday Witch


When you think of the most chilling horror tales of all time, there are a lot of staples that come immediately to mind when it comes to possible settings – like dank asylums, haunted houses, isolated forests, or just about anywhere that feels a little creepier and more sinister under cover of darkness. You don’t probably think of sun-drenched corn fields or bright summer days in the countryside, but The Noonday Witch may just change your mind about that. The Noonday Witch is a 2016 Czech language film brought to the screen by promising Czech director, Jiri Sadek. (In... Read More