Creepy Horror True Stories

The Ferocious Murder of Sylvia Likens, the TRUE story

The Ferocious Murder of Sylvia Likens, the TRUE story


Gertrude Baniszewski lived in Indianapolis with her seven children. Since she had a tiny income, Baniszewski took in children for the Summer to earn extra money. In 1965, she agreed to board sixteen years old Sylvia Likens and her sister Jenny, who was a year younger. They were the children of two circus workers who were about to go on tour operating a concession stand. Jenny was disabled and could not move about very much (Gertrude Baniszewski cynically thought that a 'cripple' would be an undemanding boarder); perhaps the Likens' decision to spare their daughters from the wandering lifestyle of the circus was influenced by Jennie's condition? Perhaps they wanted time by themselves to patch up their marriage? Their relationship had been... Read More

The true story of the Perron family, the Harrisville Haunting

The true story of the Perron family, the Harrisville Haunting


History of the Perron family and the Harrisville Haunting (true story behind the movie The Conjuring) Oldest surviving photograph of the Harrisville Haunted home Ed and Lorraine Warren had been investigating paranormal activity since the early 1950’s. During their decades-long careers, they investigated over 4,000 hauntings, including the well-known Amityville Haunting where they were recognized as the first psychic investigators to step onto the scene. The 2013 film, The Conjuring, was based on their terrifying investigation of the Perron family and their haunted farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island. Known variously as the “Harrisville Haunting” or the “Perron Family Haunting”, the Warrens would say that their investigation of the Perron... Read More

Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm

The Story of Bella in the Wych Elm. Unbelievable.


On April 18, 1943, four boys were out poaching in Hagley Wood, located in the village of Hagley in Worcestershire, England. There, they found a witch-hazel tree (sometimes mistaken for a wych elm), which they thought would serve as a good place to hunt for bird nests. One of the boys, Bob Farmer, climbed up to check it out. That’s when he found a hollow opening in the tree’s trunk. A pair of empty eye sockets from within stared back at him, and at first he thought it was just the skull of an animal. He reached in and picked it up. It was human. A small fragment of skin and hair clung to its rotted surface, and crooked human teeth were clearly visible. Farmer dropped the skull back into the hollow trunk, and the four boys ran back to town... Read More

Elisa Lam, the missing

Elisa Lam, wanna know the truth?


In February of 2013 Elisa Lam had been missing for two weeks. She had been staying in the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. Hotel guests started complaining about a foul taste in the water and low pressure. On February 19th Elisa Lam's body was found inside a covered rooftop water tank. Her death was ruled an accidental drowning. Pretty gross that the guests were drinking a decomposing body. A couple of aspects of this story are very mysterious. Elisa was seen on security video entering an elevator. Elisa presses all of the buttons in the elevator and appears to be waiting for someone. The elevator door won't close, which usually means that something is blocking the track. Elisa steps out of the elevator and you can see her talking to someone and... Read More

The MacKenzie Poltergeist in Edinburgh

The MacKenzie Poltergeist in Edinburgh


In December of 1998, a homeless man wandered through Edinburgh’s storm-lashed streets. Seeking shelter from the night’s downpour he staggered into Greyfriars Kirkyard and broke into one of the old mausoleums in the Covenanter’s Prison section—no doubt attracted by its intact roof. Inside, the vault was pitch-black and the brave (or foolhardy) vagrant decided to explore his surroundings with what meagre light he possessed. He removed an iron grate in the floor and descended a short, twisting, stone staircase and entered a second chamber. There, he came across four wooden coffins. Perhaps looking for valuables to steal, the man began to smash open the dusty caskets. As he did so, a hole suddenly opened beneath his feet and he fell through a wooden... Read More

Gloomy Sunday - Rezso Seress

Gloomy Sunday, Hungarian Suicide Song


At the point of happiness or depression, we surely would like to accompany ourselves with music. Music serves us right in each moment of everyday. As defined in Webster, music is the art of combining sounds or sequences of notes into harmonious patterns pleasing to the ear and satisfying to the emotions. Reading the definition itself, music has the power of influence. It has been playing important roles in history until today – from being an icon of unity to source of entertainment or foundation of pride and honor as it gives distinction to people and countries. Even, music could end a life or hundreds. Gloomy Sunday is a great example. Let’s get to know this controversial music – its composer, origin and more. In 1933, a Hungarian named Rezso... Read More

Villisca Ax Murder House

Villisca Ax Murder House


It has been a century since Josiah and Sarah Moore, their four children and two visiting children were hacked to death with an ax while they slept. The tiny town where they lived in Iowa has never been the same On a quiet residential street in the small Iowa town of Villisca sits an old white frame house. On a dark evening, the absence of lights and sounds are the first indication to visitors that the house is different from the other homes that surround it. Upon closer inspection,it's doors and windows are tightly closed and covered.  An outhouse in the backyard suggests that this house does not occupy a place in the 21st century. That's because on the night of June 10, 1912, the six members of the Moore family who lived here and two... Read More

Kuchisake Onna aka The Slit-Mouth Woman

Kuchisake Onna aka The Slit-Mouth Woman


Kuchisake Onna, also known as The Slit-Mouth Woman, is a scary Japanese urban legend about a disfigured Japanese woman who brandishes a large scissors and preys on children. She has an enormous slit mouth, which extends from ear to ear in a horrible, permanent smile.The Slit Mouth Woman walks the streets of Japan, wearing a surgical mask and hunting for children. If you cross her path, she will stop you and ask you a question. If you give her the wrong answer, there will be horrible consequences. The Story You are walking home from school and your path takes you down a deserted city street. Suddenly, you hear a faint noise coming from the shadows. You glance over and see a beautiful woman standing there. She has long black hair and is wearing... Read More

Anneliese Michel Exorcism aka Emily Rose

Anneliese Michel Exorcism aka Emily Rose


The true story behind “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” involves a young German girl named Anneliese Michel. The first person to recognize that Anneliese Michel was possessed by demons was an older woman accompanying the girl on a pilgrimage. She noticed that Anneliese would not walk past a certain image of Jesus, refused to drink water from a holy spring and smelled bad — hellishly bad. An exorcist in a nearby town examined Michel and returned a diagnosis of demonic possession. The bishop issued permission to perform the rite of exorcism according to the Roman ritual of 1614. Half a year and 67 rites of exorcism later, Anneliese Michel was dead at 23. Anneliese Michel did not die in the Middle Ages, but in 1976, in the small town of... Read More

The Crying Boy Painting

The Crying Boy Painting


The curse of the Crying Boy Painting. In 1988, a mysterious explosion destroyed the home of the Amos family in Heswall, England. When firemen sifted through the burnt-out shell of the house, they found a framed picture, entitled ‘The Crying Boy’, which was a portrait of an angelic-looking boy with a sorrowful expression and a tear rolling down his cheek. But the picture was not even singed by the blaze. Not long afterwards in Bradford, there was another blaze, and again a picture of the crying child was found intact among the smouldering ruins. The head of the Yorkshire Fire Brigade told the national newspapers that pictures of the weird Crying Boy were frequently found intact in the rubble of houses that had been mysteriously burnt to the ground... Read More
