Creepy Horror True Stories
![]() | The Most CREEPY tv commercial ever seen1970This is probably the most creepy tv commercial ever seen. The present toy advertisements aren't impeccable yet at any rate they don't give you bad dreams. The one beneath, for Remco's 1971 toy Baby Laugh-a-Lot, is not something your children ever need to see. The blood and guts film style altering and the unsettled voiceover unquestionably don't offer assistance. Truth be told, the main thing more unnerving than Baby Laugh-a-Lot may be Baby Laugh-a-Lot with her batteries running low. |
![]() | Attempt to create a Homunculus in Russia2015Above all else, I ought to most likely clarify what the heck a HOMUNCULUS is, for those of you who aren't addicted to mysterious legends: as indicated by the compositions of antiquated speculative chemistry going back as ahead of schedule as the 16th century, the homunculus is a living smaller than expected humanoid (the name in Latin actually signifies "little man") developed from human sperm. Researchers of that time hypothesized that the majority of a person's heredity may exist in small size inside a sperm cell — and through the direction of a prepared chemist, a smaller than expected human could really be hatched outside of a human womb.  Soothsayer Paracelsus wrote in his 1537 volume De Natura Rerum that he had... Read More |
![]() | Cop shoots a Black Man in Oklahoma17-1-2014Oklahoma police have discharged film recorded on an officer's body camera of police lethally shooting a suspect on January 17. The camera, strapped to Muskogee cop Chansey McMillin, catches the officer approach and start to look a man distinguished as 21-year-old Terrance Walker. "Why you shaking for? Unwind," McMillin says subsequent to inquiring as to whether he has any weapons. Seconds after the fact, Walker starts to escape as McMillin gives pursue. The presume drops something on the ground and twists down to lift it up. It is indistinct in the video what he drops, yet police say it is a weapon. At the point when the presume begins to run once more, the officer shoot five shots. "From all that we can... Read More |
![]() | 2013 TX68 is gonna kill All of us?September 2017Terrified NASA scientists admit big asteroid gonna hit Earth and cause armageddon on SEMPTEMBER 2017 NASA has admitted there is a chance asteroid 2013 TX68, a 100ft currently heading towards us, could smash into Earth. And that's gonna be a big issue for everybody. Experts warn the giant 100-foot asteroid is heading towards us but nobody is certain how close it will come to a direct hit. This is not our first date with this big rock but NASA says there is a "chance" it could hurtle into our planet on September 28, 2017. The same asteroid bypassed Earth two years ago at the comfortable distance of about 1.3 million, which is not that close, miles but could pass much closer on its next visit. GO TO NEXT PAGE... Read More |
![]() | When this family installed a Camera to watch children discovered...2016Each parent needs to feel that they've settled on a decent decision in selecting who watches their kid, whether it's a caretaker dealing with an infant or a sitter viewing a 10-year-old. A few mothers and fathers lead thorough meetings and do intensive historical verifications to ensure the chose individual is the most ideal decision. Yet, tragically, not everybody is whom they elevate themselves to be, and some are to a great degree great at lying about it — something these guardians, who enlisted a babysitter that wound up being an outright bad dream, took in the most difficult way possible. In the video beneath, posted on April 4, 2016, we see another situation unfurl that is difficult to accept. Youngster defensive... Read More |
![]() | A Forum with tricks to suicide, on the DARK WEB2016ok... TOR browser...ready proxy.... connected. cross your finger... go deep web mode. What is the dark web (or darknet)? It is the darkest, sickest part of the deep web... ok but, what is the deep web? well you can ask to google. In the middle of all the insane sick things you can find on the dark web you can also find this kind of disturbed stuff: Believe me or not, the site is called Suicide Tips & Tricks and its content is exactly what you think... a forum to help people to find the proper solution to die. Browsing the site you can find alot of disturbed people asking for some hint about the best way to "do it".. for instance: "So I've decided I'll go out via hanging, but I'm not sure what kind of knot to use when tying... Read More |
![]() | Latoya Ammons and her 3 Children Possessed by Demons2012Police captain confirms children 'possessed by demons'. Latoya Ammons, from Indiana, said her three children walked up walls, levitated and spoke in voices. Official reports filed in 2012 backed up her claims, with psychologists stating that they saw the nine-year-old child speak in "different deep voices" and walk "up the wall backwards". "He flipped over and landed on his feet," they added. Gary Police Captain Charles Austin, who has more than 35 years of experience, said he had been convinced by the story. According to a local newspaper, the Indianapolis Star, he described himself as a "believer" after visiting the house and interviewing Ms Ammons and her family. 'Growling noises' Official Indiana state... Read More |
![]() | This Guy killed his poor Mother because the witches told himOctober 2001Joseph “Joey” Cala II held no grudges against his mother. But the witches did. And he said in a prison interview that their spirits took him over on the evening of Oct. 15, 2001. “The day it happened I was feeling real violent because I knew they were trying to make me do violent things,” Cala said from a prison break room at the Michael Unit. “I decided to leave [the house] and told my mom. I walked down and got a hamburger at Red Robin and I felt fine.” But minutes later, Cala returned to his Hurst home and beat his 79-year-old mother to death, sliced her open, cut out her heart and bit off part of it. For the first time since the vicious killing, Cala, 55, agreed to an interview and recently talked to the Star-Telegram. Dressed in prison... Read More |
![]() | The Comedian Tommy Cooper dies on TV15th April 1984Tommy Cooper death - the comedian Tommy Cooper collapsed from a heart attack in front of millions of television viewers, midway through his act on the his show Live from Her Majesty's His assistant had helped him put on a cloak for his sketch, while Jimmy Tarbuck, the host, was hiding behind the curtain waiting to pass him different props that he would then appear to pull from inside his gown. The assistant smiled at him as he collapsed, believing that it was a part of the act. Likewise, the audience gave "uproarious" laughter as he fell, gasping for air. At this point, Alasdair MacMillan, the director of the television production, cued the orchestra to play music for an unscripted commercial break (... Read More |
![]() | When I Get you Alone, I will cut You up into Bits1980On May 27, 1980, thirty-two-year-old secretary Dorothy Jane Scott dropped her young son Shanti off at her parents' house in Anaheim, California and went to a company meeting. While there, a coworker named Conrad Bostron complained of pain so severe that Dorothy offered to take him to the hospital with another coworker named Pam Head. The doctors found that he had been bitten by a black widow spider. At around 11pm that same night, the man started to recover and was discharged. Pam stayed with him while he filled out paperwork for insurance, while Dorothy went to fetch the car and bring it close to the entrance so her distraught coworker wouldn't have to exert effort and walk far. After a few minutes, Pam looked out the window and noticed... Read More |